Having an RV can be a great way to explore the natural world and travel around the globe. But many folks may be worried about an RV’s price tag standing in the way of their next great adventure. A cheap RV is hard to find if you are looking for something durable too.
The good news is, just like with cars, some RVs are on the cheaper side and aren’t necessarily flimsy or weak. Here’s a look at the Silver Moon, an affordable but durable option for folks looking to get started on their RV life.
An Airstream camper is a top-of-the-line option for many RV enthusiasts. These campers are durable, tough, and filled with plenty of amenities. But their price tag, which can easily be in the six figure range, which turns many people off from the idea of buying one. Fortunately, the Silver Moon camper from WeeRoll is similar to the Airstream, but much more affordable.
According to Autoevolution, the Silver Moon starts at just under $15,000, making it much cheaper than a new or used car. While the camper is on the smaller side, like its name implies, it’s made with a lot of aluminum. In fact, it uses aluminum in many areas of construction, including its chassis, flooring, doors, and roof. As a result, the Silver Moon is built to last, but there’s a catch.
That $15,000 will afford customers a sturdy camper that should last them a while, but it won’t come with much inside. According to Autoevolution, it’s basically an aluminum box that can be towed around. Unlike more expensive campers and RVs, there’s no kitchen, no toilet, and no bedroom.
However, WeeRoll does offer options that’ll add amenities to the Silver Moon. There are smaller upgrades like a triple roof rack, vinyl flooring, or electric brakes. WeeRoll also offers larger, more expensive upgrades, such as a tandem axle which will cost about $1,500, but depending on the situation could be completely worth it. All said and done it’d cost an extra $15,000 to outfit the Silver Moon entirely.
If a customer is on the cheaper side, then all is not lost. As Autoevolution wrote, the basic Silver Moon is a bit more than just an empty aluminum box. There’s also insulation in the ceilings and walls which should help keep it temperate inside. WeeRoll also prewired the roof so folks can install solar panels or an AC if they want. There’s also nothing stopping someone from decorating their Silver Moon’s interior with their own furniture and DIY amenities.
Whether someone goes camping with the Silver Moon or another camper or RV, it’s still a great hobby to pursue. After all, the RV life can be great for your mental and physical health. This is because most folks who pursue this life are almost always on the move. Unlike traveling on a plane, where people have to wait around in airports and put up with security, the RV life provides a relatively low-stress form of travel.
While folks who live this lifestyle have the world to themselves, many people visit a national park. The fresh air and the sheer beauty of America’s national parks can be a great way to decompress and relieve stress. On top of that, this lifestyle almost forces people to have a healthier diet. That’s because many people cook something healthy and nutritious while on the road.
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